CESAER is the strong and united voice of universities of science and technology in Europe.
Founded in 1990 as a not-for-profit association under Belgian law (AISBL), CESAER is proudly hosted by KU Leuven on its science and technology campus. We bring together over 50 leading specialised and comprehensive universities of science and technology from 25 countries across Europe and beyond.
We are a recognised stakeholder organisation within the European Research Area (ERA), the European Education Area (EEA), and the European Strategy for Universities. The European Parliament and its research service have identified us as one of the twelve ‘Key European Stakeholders for Research Policy’ (e.g., see page 3). Additionally, the European Commission and the European Research Council recognise us as one of the twelve 'Main Representative Organisations' in Europe (e.g., see page 3).
For more details about our constitutional framework, please refer to our Articles of Association and Internal Regulations.
The brochure offers a bird’s eye view of CESAER, what makes the association unique, its priorities, its work, its impact, and its Members.
For more detailed information, please consult our annual reports below.
The association is incorporated as a Belgian international non-profit association (internationale vereniging zonder winstoogmerk - IVZW, or association internationale sans but lucrative - AISBL - meaning ‘international non-profit association’) under the name of the 'Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research' - in short 'CESAER'.
Today, normally only the short form CESAER is used.
The short form can be elaborated, when needed, as 'CESAER - the strong and united voice of universities of science and technology in Europe', for example in contexts where the short form CESAER is not well known.
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