2022 featured three lead website editorials from our Members addressing some of the biggest issues facing universities of science and technology and the wider world today, from the devastating war in Ukraine to the ongoing climate crisis.
Our 2022 in review rounds up commentary contributions from our Members over the past year. If you would be interested in submitting an editorial or op-ed in 2023, then you are kindly invited to consult our dedicated article inviting contributions.
Summer: Scientific cooperation in Europe – quo vadis?
The President of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Martin Vetterli reflected on scientific cooperation in Europe in the light of fading hope for association of Switzerland and the United Kingdom with Horizon Europe.
Autumn: Agile and resilient society calls for strong universities of science & technology
Our association’s Envoy to the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union Stefan Bengtsson (President of Chalmers University of Technology) reflected on the roles of universities of S&T to future-proof agile and resilient societies.
Winter: Future of Ukraine in Europe and innovation ecosystem ‘Sikorsky Challenge Ukraine’
Our newest Member, the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, shared a poignant account of their role in standing against the Putin regime’s brutal invasion of Ukraine and their hopes for the rebuilding of Ukraine and the contributions to peace and development in Europe.
For more information, please contact the Secretariat.
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