Following our Open letter with recommendations on effective funding for inter- and transdisciplinary research, our association has joined forces with ScienceEurope, EUA and UNICA to again emphasised the vital importance of supporting inter- and transdisciplinary research.
The challenges we face require inter- and transdisciplinary solutions. The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated how important inter- and transdisciplinary research is in tackling global issues. This holds true for climate change, where research will contribute to the European Green Deal in an inter- and transdisciplinary setting. Digitalisation will have a major impact on society and need to be addressed in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner.
Many discoveries happen at the interface of disciplines and will be crucial for meeting future challenges. Current funding streams and career paths do not sufficiently incentivise researchers towards inter-and transdisciplinary research or recognise such efforts. This needs to be rectified. Science Europe, EUA, CESAER and UNICA share a common aim to empower researchers to address global challenges and contribute to ecological, economic and social sustainability. [...]
Read the full text and endorse the idea on the conference platform.
Read our call for suitable assessment to interdisciplinary research
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