Advancing the European Strategy for Universities’ Flagship Initiatives

Our Board of Directors has adopted a position ‘Advancing the flagship initiatives of the European Strategy for Universities’, offering expertise and cooperation ahead of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council of the EU meeting from 4 to 5 April.
28th March 2022
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PARIS, 28 March 2022

Today, the leading universities of Science and Technology (S&T) united within CESAER unveil our position on ‘Advancing the flagship initiatives of the European Strategy for Universities’.

With this position, we offer to contribute to shaping the European higher education landscape, most notably in the context of the European Strategy for Universities published by the European Commission on 18 January and ahead of the imminent Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council meeting from 4 to 5 April.

We welcome that the Commission’s proposal places strong emphasis on (i) the unique role of universities at the centre of education, research and innovation, (ii) the acknowledgement of their “essential role to play in Europe’s post-pandemic recovery and in shaping sustainable and resilient societies and economies”, and (iii) that they are ‘a condition and foundation for open, democratic, fair and sustainable societies’. We also compliment the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Sport, Youth and Culture and Directorate-General for Research and Innovation for working closely together on this package.

Our position calls for direct, inclusive, structured and sustained involvement of stakeholders in co-developing the four flagship initiatives, whilst also giving concrete advice and guidance which draws on expertise from across our Member universities. As a key player in research-based science and technology education, we are enthusiastic in offering this expertise and our cooperation in advancing the strategy.

Director of our association and Co-Chair of our Task Force Learning & Teaching, Roberto Zanino said:

“The European Commission has put the European University Alliances at the core of the European Strategy for Universities and aims to help develop a legal statute, which would allow them to offer joint European degrees, as well as at the generalised use of the European Student Card. We welcome the encouraged synergy between education and research and innovation in the European Universities Initiative; believe that universities of science and technology cyan and will help the Alliances play a central role in helping tackle local and global challenges; look forward to a more programme-based (rather than project-based) approach; and consider it vital that stakeholder organisations will be involved in governing and monitoring of initiative in a transparent way.”

Senior Advisor for Learning & Teaching Lloyd Huitson added:

“As key partners in science and technology education, our association and its Members stand ready to offer our expertise and cooperation in developing the strategy’s flagship initiatives and associated schemes, such as the European Higher Education Observatory. This sincere offer is rooted in our commitment to advancing the role of science and technology in tackling local and global challenges for the benefit of humanity. The Commission shows great ambition in this higher education package, bringing promise for a strengthened cooperation framework that our Member universities and the wider education and research community can leverage to fulfil this objective together.”

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For more information and enquiries, please contact our Senior Advisor for Learning & Teaching Lloyd Anthony Huitson.

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