We are delighted to announce that our Board has appointed Arlindo Oliveira as our ERA & EEA Envoy. The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) in the first half of 2021 will be crucial in determining the priorities and the governance structures for the ERA and the EEA, and Arlindo will support and advise our President and Board in this respect.
The appointment continues our ongoing and strong commitment to the shaping of the ERA and the EEA. This was most recently demonstrated by our positions ‘Towards a truly reinforced European Research Area’ and ‘Towards a dynamic European Education Area driven by excellence’, which provide concrete recommendations in response to the European Commission’s communications on the topics earlier this year.
Arlindo has previously served as a Director in our Board, and is also a member of the Portuguese Academy of Engineering and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). His mandate follows up on the work of Ernst Schmachtenberg (former rector of RWTH Aachen University) who is currently serving as our ERA Envoy to the German Presidency.
For more information, please contact our Secretary General.
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