Supporting modern research careers is high on the agenda of our association, and we have previously signed DORA and strongly support its advancement.
As member of the core group, we helped develop the agreement on reforming research assessment. The efforts of the core group concluded in July, and the agreement was formally opened for signature during a launch ceremony with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel at the European Research & Innovation Days 2022 in September. The agreement does not have any legally binding effect nor any financial implications. It represents a public commitment to contribute actively and constructively to reforming research assessment. The next step is that a COARA is envisioned to be formed before the end of the year, where all those who have signed the agreement will be invited to join.
To continue taking a proactive and constructive approach in supporting modern research careers, our Board of Directors on 7 November decided that our association will sign the agreement and also appointed Anna Steiger as our association’s COARA Envoy until the end of 2023.
Anna has the full support from our association and is mandated to represent our association towards COARA.
Full details on COARA can be found on the dedicated webpage, including a FAQ with frequently asked questions.
Commenting on their appointment, Anna Steiger said:
“Supporting diverse and modern academic careers goes to the heart of what our Members do, and ensuring suitable research assessment practices is an important lever. I look forward to engaging with partners and friends in the coalition to actively and constructively help advance this vital area.
“While universities should lead developments, we must ensure that action is not constrained by incompatibilities in the funding and legal landscapes. In parallel to COARA, we therefore welcome clear and decisive action at regional, national and European levels, including in the context of ERA Actions 3 & 4 as we described previously, and I reiterate our offer to provide our full support. ”
Anna can be reached at For more information or enquiries, please contact our incoming Secretary General Mattias Björnmalm.
Anna studied Journalism and Political Sciences at the University of Vienna and obtained her Master of Laws in 1993. She worked as solicitor and at the Academy of Fine Arts. She is the Vice Rector Human Resources & Gender at TU Wien since 2011. She has chaired our Task Force Human Resources since January 2021 and serves as Director 2022-2025.
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