We are delighted to announce that our Board has appointed Christian Lerminiaux as our ERA & EEA Envoy towards the French Presidency of the Council of the EU from January to June 2022.
Chritian will support and advise our President and Board on topics of key interest to our association, including the ERA, EEA, Higher Education Transformation Agenda and European Universities. The appointment demonstrates our continued commitment to shaping these developments on the European level, following up on our positions published last year ‘Towards a truly reinforced European Research Area’ and ‘Towards a dynamic European Education Area driven by excellence’.
Christian has served as Director of the École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris - PSL School of Engineering since December 2014, and President of ParisTech since 2018. He holds a PhD in Atomic Physics and is a Knight (Chevalier) of the French Légion d’Honneur.
His mandate follows up on the work of Ernst Schmachtenberg (former rector of RWTH Aachen University) who served as our ERA Envoy to the German Presidency, and Arlindo Oliveira (former President of Instituto Superior Técnico) as our ERA & EEA Envoy to the Portuguese Presidency.
For more information, please contact our Secretary General.
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