CESAER - the strong and united voice of universities of Science & Technology (S&T) in Europe - has published ‘In Motion’, its Annual Report 2018.
In 2018, we have moved quickly to implement our new collaborative leadership structure, increased the participation of our Members and started new work across a number of key strategic areas.
We continued to expand the vibrant network of staff from over fifty universities of S&T from twenty six countries, which educated over 1,000,000 students and was awarded over € 2 billion worth of European research projects.
Together, we connected to a wide range of stakeholders - including policy-makers, politicians and funders. We thus voiced the interests of our Members on key topics and developments in European policies and programmes for research, education and innovation with a dedicated focus on research and the EU funding programmes.
Building on the achievements in 2017 - such as adopting a Strategy 2025 and amending our Articles of Association - we delivered an even more effective, efficient and supportive membership organisation through the launch of a new website and information systems with exclusive access for our Members.
Benefits to our Members also included an attractive range and programme of events, such as the CESAER Annual Meetings 2018 kindly hosted by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and the many events of our task forces and governing bodies.
With the policy, economic, societal and technological challenges we currently face in the first part of the 21st century, there has never been a better time for our association to show leadership and make contributions to Europe that add value and demonstrate the distinctive role of universities of S&T.
Read the full annual report.
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