On 5 December, the European Commission announced the launch of an expert group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe also providing strategic advice and recommendations for its successor, the tenth framework programme for research & innovation (FP10) which will run from 2028 to 2034.
"I am honoured to Chair the expert group which will provide recommendations for how the EU Framework Programme for research & innovation can continue to add value for the remainder of Horizon Europe, with a view on the future with the design of the tenth framework programme. Europe is at a decisive point faced with a range of critical challenges and opportunities. To enable science & technology to fully contribute towards addressing these, an increased overall budget for R&I is required, together with a better articulation of EU, national and regional funding lines for research & innovation. In addition, we need to guarantee that citizens are the centre of future developments. This must be combined with a new approach to science-society, citizen engagement and economy-science relationships, as well as to foster a new wave of science based innovation. An important dimension of this is to foster the quality of research and innovation jobs, together with improved research careers for Europe. Here, the EU and its framework programme for research & innovation can and should play a leading role in guiding developments.” – Manuel Heitor (CESAER Envoy on Research Careers and Instituto Superior Técnico)
“As we move into the second half of Horizon Europe, and as the design-phase of its successor has started, some key considerations are starting to emerge. This includes that we engage the whole knowledge value chain along the full research continuum (all ‘pillars’ in Horizon Europe terminology) and that researchers and innovators are firmly in the driving seat. It is fundamentally about ensuring full support for cutting edge science & technology, and the talent that advances it. This starts with a substantial and protected budget dedicated to research & innovation. We look forward to providing our full support to the expert group and to the European Commission for the important work that lies ahead.” – Mattias Björnmalm (Secretary General of CESAER)
Manuel Heitor is a Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and the founding director of IN+, the Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research at IST. From November 2015 to March 2022 he served as Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal and from March 2005 to June 2011 as Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education. On 30 June 2023, Manuel was appointed CESAER Envoy on Research Careers.
For more information, please contact Secretary General Mattias Björnmalm.
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