CESAER is delighted to announce that our Board of Directors has elected Ms Orla Feely - Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Impact at the University College Dublin (UCD) - our Vice President for Resources & Treasurer.
UCD had appointed her as Director 2018-2021 after the departure of David FitzPatrick who has been appointed as the first president of Technological University Dublin. The Board unanimously elected Orla upon formal nomination by our President Sir Jim McDonald who said: “ This election of Orla completes our Presidency with another excellent and highly qualified individual, assures timely compliance with the statutory obligation to have a Treasurer, builds upon the generous technical support concerning our finances provided by UCD in the past and continues the excellent track record and support from UCD in the Presidency.“ David Bohmert (Secretary General) said: “We from the Secretariat are delighted about this appointment and very much look forward to serve Orla and to cooperate with her in the future.”
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