Our association is delighted to announce that our Board has appointed Stefan Bengtsson (President of Chalmers University of Technology) as our Envoy to the Swedish Presidency from January to June 2023.
Stefan will advise and support the Presidency and our Board in the lead up to, and for the duration of, the Swedish Presidency.
Since August 2015, he has served as President and CEO of Chalmers University of Technology, has previously served as Vice Chancellor at Malmö University (2011-2015), and was previously Chalmers’ first Vice President(2007-2011) and Deputy CEO (2009-2011).
Sweden concludes the trio-presidency which was begun by France in the first half of 2022 and followed by the Czech Republic in the second half. Stefan’s appointment follows that of our recent Envoys, Vojtěch Petráček (Rector of Czech Technical University in Prague) and Christian Lerminiaux (President of ParisTech).
Their mandates continue the work of our previous Envoys, Arlindo Oliveira (former President of Instituto Superior Técnico) and Ernst Schmachtenberg (former rector RWTH Aachen University).
For more information and enquiries, please contact Mattias Björnmalm, Deputy Secretary General
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