On 11 December 2023, our Board unanimously appointed Tim and Jennifer upon a previous formal nomination by President-elect Orla Feely. The three will constitute the Presidency of our association from 2024 to 2025, with the Secretary General acting as its Secretary.
Tim is an Associate Principal Research & Knowledge Exchange at the University of Strathclyde. In October 2023, he was re-elected as a Director for the period of 2024-2027. He is also co-chairing our Task Force Innovation.
Jennifer is the Dean of the Faculty of Science & Technology at the University of Twente. In October 2021, our General Assembly elected her as a Director for 2022-2025. She was already serving as Vice President and Treasurer under Rik Van de Walle’s presidency from 2022 to 2023. She is also co-chairing our Task Force Openness of Science & Technology.
Appointed for two years, the Vice Presidents support the President and act as deputies when required. In the event that the President is prevented from exercising their powers or resigns, the first Vice President assumes this position and organises an election of a new President as soon as possible.
The Treasurer proposes the budget and accounts to the Board, exercises general oversight over the financial affairs of the association and is in charge of collecting the annual subscriptions.
The Presidency, together with the Secretariat, is responsible for the ongoing affairs of our association and the preparation and implementation of the decisions by the General Assembly and the Board.
For more information, please contact Indrė Antanavičiūtė (Operations Manager).
Photo credit: Christophe Vander Eecken
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