Our President Rik Van de Walle continues contributing to the debate on the future of the European Research Area (ERA) through an article ´Redouble efforts on the ERA´ publicly and freely accessible published on 19 February by Research Europe. He calls upon the European institutions to go for boldest ambitions therewith acknowledging that ´research´ is the avant-garde in building European knowledge societies as the ERA is rooted in the Lisbon Treaty and research concerns a shared competence between the EU and its member states. In his view, research should lead the way of European integration in innovation, culture, education and youth.
Van de Walle´s article reaffirms the strong commitment of our association to shaping the ERA. On 17 October 2019, our Board of Directors declared the (future of the) ERA as high priority and adopted a position thereon. Van de Walle underlined the importance of this topic in his election speech to the thirty-second General Assembly on 18 October and personally committed to contributing to the shaping of the ERA. On 21 November, the Board appointed Ernst Schmachtenberg as our ERA-Envoy. On 18 December, we welcomed the adoption of the Opinion on the Future of the ERA by the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) with caution. On 3 February 2020, we published a position Research Talent Circulation within the ERA.
Link to full article: https://www.researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-e...
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