

Position 'Boost synergies in research and innovation funding'
13th October 2022

Our Board has adopted a position underlining that boosting synergies has to be a system-wide endeavour

Position 'Scientific & technological infrastructures to help tackle local and global challenges'
13th October 2022

Our Board has adopted a position promoting the concept of Scientific & Technological (S&T) infrastructures

Position 'Design Principles for European Higher Education Sector Observatory'
27th June 2022

Our Board of Directors has adopted a position ‘Design principles for European Higher Education Sector Observatory` offering five principles for the design and development of this observatory.

Position 'Contributions of Universities of Science & Technology to implementing the European Research Area'
24th June 2022

Our association welcomes the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda 2022-2024 and presents our top priorities, describes our ongoing efforts and offers additional commitments in line with our genuine offer to implement the ERA.

Position 'Boosting disruptive innovation by fostering new mindsets and co-creating innovation'
9th May 2022

Our association underlines the importance of framework conditions and sustainable funding which support co-creation practices and skillls to stimulate disruptive innovation throughout society.

Position 'Guiding principles for the Global Framework for S&T Cooperation'
7th April 2022

Our association has adopted a position ‘Guiding principles for Global Framework for S&T Cooperation` offering four guiding principles for governments, international organisations and other partners to consider.

Statement on the exemption of not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories, digital archives, and libraries from the Digital Services Act
5th April 2022

Joint statement from our association and those representing European universities, research performing organisations, research funding organisations, research libraries and repositories in Europe, calling for the exclusion of not-for-profit repositories, digital archives, and libraries from the obligations of the Digital Services Act (DSA).

White Paper 'Successful implementation of Open Access strategies at Universities of Science & Technology'
4th April 2022

White Paper on Successful implementation of Open Access strategies at Universities of Science & Technology

White Paper 'Open Access and conference papers in engineering disciplines'
4th April 2022

White paper on Open Access and conference papers in engineering disciplines

Report of Symposium on Science for Net-Zero Transition: Linking Green Objectives with Societal Development
30th March 2022

To discuss the importance of climate sustainability and share good practice, CESAER, the International Sustainable Campus Network, Science Europe, and the University of Strathclyde invited universities and national research performing and funding organisations to a ‘Net-Zero Transition’ Symposium on 8 November 2021, as a side event to COP26. The objective was to discuss how they could better work together for a climate-sustainable future, realising that the Net-Zero Transition is an enormously complex challenge that requires collaboration across all disciplines, communities, and institutions, and involves societies across the globe.

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