

Position 'Advancing the flagship initiatives of the European Strategy for Universities'
28th March 2022

Our Board of Directors has adopted a position ‘Advancing the flagship initiatives of the European Strategy for Universities’, offering expertise and cooperation ahead of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council of the EU meeting from 4 to 5 April.

Annual Report 2021: 'Shape knowledge societies in Europe and beyond for a sustainable future'
24th March 2022

Our Annual Report 2021 summarises our efforts to shape knowledge societies in Europe and beyond for a sustainable future.

Joint Statement 'Scientific knowledge must be protected to ensure a Europe fit for the digital age'
24th January 2022

On 24 January, CESAER, COAR and LIBER publish a joint statement to call upon the EU institutions to (i) acknowledge the unique position of the public research and education sectors in the provision of digital services and infrastructure directed towards the common good and (ii) provide for an overarching legal framework which reflects the unique context of the public research and education sectors and protects the objectives of scientific knowledge and technology generation, sharing and preservation.

Joint statement 'Key Technologies Shaping the Future: Foresight and strategic recommendations'
17th January 2022

Our association together with the Royal Academy of Engineering has today published our joint conference statement with foresight and strategic recommendations on key technologies.

Caution needed on interim analysis of lump sum pilot
22nd November 2021

Joint statement dated 22 November 2021 by CESAER, EARTO and EUA

Call to action to research organisations for the net-zero transition
8th November 2021

The partners of the Science for Net-Zero Symposium our association, the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), Science Europe, and the University of Strathclyde are calling for a collaborative, systems-based approach to tackling the Net-Zero emissions challenge, and are taking immediate steps to lead by example.

Joint Open Letter on Association of the UK to Horizon Europe
4th November 2021

Our association has joined forces with a broad spectrum of European research and innovation stakeholders to sign an open letter to Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission) urging the speedy association of the UK to Horizon Europe.

Open Letter on Governance of the European Research Area
4th October 2021

​Our association joined forces with 15 other representative organisations of European research & innovation stakeholders to publish an open letter urging the EU institutions to include stakeholders in the co-creation and implementation of the governance of the European Research Area​.

All publishers must fully respect researchers’ rights by providing clarity and transparency on Open Access
25th May 2021

CESAER, the European University Association (EUA) and Science Europe call on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights and to end the use of restrictions and embargoes.

Open letter Concerns about approach to achieving a European Research Area (ERA) and the involvement of Research and Innovation (R&I) stakeholders
27th April 2021

CESAER and LERU call upon the European Commission and the Member States to draft an improved Pact for Research & Innovation in Europe, with direct and immediate involvement of stakeholder organisations (SHO), representing universities.

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