

Advancing Research Data Management in Universities of Science and Technology
13th February 2020

The white paper shares insights on the state-of-the-art in research data management, and recommendations for advancement, presenting the results of a survey of our Members and offering concrete recommendations and best practices.

Boost Careers of Early-Stage Researchers
10th February 2020

The white paper aims to inspire HR professionals at universities to boost the careers of their early-stage researchers, to raise awareness amongst university leaders of the importance of this topic and to showcase pathways towards improvement.

Position on Research Talent Circulation within the ERA
3rd February 2020

​The position expresses our appreciation for the focus on brain circulation of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU and underlines the need to reduce inequalities within the ERA and to boost the sharing of excellence in Horizon Europe.

Science and Technology Education for 21st Century Europe
18th December 2019

Our newly published discussion paper on ´S&T education for twenty-first century Europe´ provides inspiration and orientation on how universities can change S&T education in Europe to the better.

Seize our Common Future: Joint Call for an Ambitious Horizon Europe Budget
4th November 2019

Fifteen university associations and over 300 organisations as signatories have jointly underlined the importance of research and innovation for society and called upon the EU institutions to provide for an ambitious budget for Horizon Europe.

Position on European Universities
28th October 2019

Our new position urges that excellence-driven alliances must have generous financial resources, balanced selection criteria, and be open to all countries in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Declaration on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Universities of Science and Technology
22nd October 2019

Our thirty-second General Assembly adopted the declaration pledging to accelerate the achievement of equality, diversity and inclusion through personal leadership, institutional vigour and societal change.

Future of the European Research Area (ERA)
18th October 2019

Equality Survey 2018
6th September 2019

CESAER has conducted an Equality Survey 2018, which collected data on gender equality and diversity at our Member institutions

In Motion - Annual Report 2018
19th March 2019

The annual report summarises a year in which we have moved quickly to implement our new collaborative leadership structure, increased the participation of our Members and started new work across a number of key strategic areas.

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