

Don't abandon the frontier
15th July 2020

‘Groundbreaking, investigator-led research needs strong support, now more than ever’ urges an op-ed from our Advisor for Research & Innovation Mattias Björnmalm and our President Rik Van de Walle in Research Europe

Reduce impact of Covid-19 on Horizon 2020 projects and COST actions
10th June 2020

An open letter to Jean-Eric Paquet (Director-General, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation) and Ronald de Bruin (Director of the COST Association) urging for a reduction of the impact of Covid-19 on Horizon 2020 projects and COST actions.

Next Generation Metrics
10th June 2020

A white paper on ´traditional´ and ´next generation metrics´ for science, education and innovation in light of expectations towards greater ´openness´ to realise long-term ecological, economic and social sustainability, and benefit to the world.

Lead for research, education and innovation in recovery and to build resilience
9th June 2020

Our position on the European Commission’s proposal for the recovery plan for Europe and corresponding new proposal for the EU long-term budget from 2021 to 2027.

Input from universities of S&T on THE World University Ranking 3.0
18th May 2020

Our input on Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking 3.0 intends to help ensure that the ranking approach evolves with a focus on fairness, integrity and transparency.

Evaluation of the European University Alliances Pilot
20th April 2020

The leading universities of science and technology united within CESAER today publish a position on the Evaluation of the European University Alliances Pilot.

Vision for the European Education Area
20th April 2020

The leading universities of science and technology united within CESAER today publish a position on our Vision for the European Education Area (EEA).

Building the Strong and United Voice of Universities of Science and Technology in Europe - Annual Report 2019
31st March 2020

Our Annual Report 2019 summarises our continued and consistent development as the the strong and united voice of universities of science & technology in Europe.

Sustainable Funding for Universities of the Future in Europe
16th March 2020

Our position urges European and national institutions to ensure sustainable funding for universities, and provides concrete recommendations for achieving this.

Open Access in Horizon Europe
25th February 2020

A position expressing our support for further strengthening open science and open access in Horizon Europe.

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