

Position Go beyond resilience to tackle local and global challenges
31st March 2021

Our association calls upon the EU to tackle local and global challenges by assuming leadership at a global level, promoting agency of academic institutions and academics, and boosting systemic transformations.

Building resilience - Annual Report 2020
11th March 2021

Our Annual Report 2020 summarises how, despite the challenges and turbulence of the past year, we have made great progress as an association together with our Members.

Open letter with recommendations on effective funding for inter- and transdisciplinary research
1st December 2020

CESAER and UNICA have published a joint open letter to the European Commission and Science Europe, outlining our recommendations on how to advance funding for inter- and transdisciplinary research under competitive national and European funding instruments in the years ahead.

Position Seize opportunities for digitalisation in education and training
25th November 2020

Our association welcomes the updated Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 and with a new position provides recommendations on how to fully embrace digitalisation in education and training.

Position Towards a dynamic European Education Area driven by excellence
8th October 2020

Our association welcomes the continuous efforts to achieve the European Education Area (EEA) by 2025 and offers concrete recommendations on how to make it even more dynamic and excellence-driven.

Position Towards a truly reinforced European Research Area
8th October 2020

Our association welcomes the renewed impetus for the European Research Area (ERA) and with a new position provides concrete recommendations on how to further reinforce the ERA.

Reform is overdue
17th September 2020

Researchers’ employment conditions must be improved to meet Europe’s goals urges our President Rik Van de Walle in an op-ed in Research Europe

Open letter on the EU budget from 2021 to 2027
28th August 2020

In an open letter to the European Parliament's Co-Rapporteurs on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, our President stresses that the EU budget from 2021 to 2027 may not fail to support research, education and innovation

Open letter on Plan S in Horizon Europe
20th August 2020

In an open letter to the European Commission and the European Research Council, our President emphasises our full support for open access to scientific publications and the implementation of Plan S in Horizon Europe

Mitigate impact of Covid-19 on Erasmus+ projects
10th August 2020

An open letter to Themis Christophidou (Director-General of the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) calling on the European Commission to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on Erasmus+ projects.

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